Thursday, February 10, 2011

Safari--Tarangire, Ngorongoro, Serengeti

There's something remarkably different about the light in Africa, and I don't think it was our proximity to the Equator because I noticed it in Zambia as well. It's the warmth of the light; everything basks in its unique glow. It certainly lends quite an aura to a scene punctuated by wild animals. In the three days following the climb, we covered many miles, lots and lots of hours in two safari vehicles. We traveled to three different parks, each one different from the next. I would definitely return both to the Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti and would spend far more time at both, preferably in very small lodges.

Baobab trees with massive trunks (resembled broccoli florets)
Huge herds of elephants
Tons of giraffes
Uncrowded and peaceful
Leopard in a tree
Elephant flapped its ears, trumpeted and charged at Jan & Anna's truck when the truck separated him from the rest of his herd
Warthog families

Broccoli floret (baobab) in background


Ngorongoro Crater (the largest intact caldera in the world)
Umbrella acacia trees (think broccolini)
The richest looking soil imaginable
Herds of wildebeest and zebras, with many babies
Spotted hyenas
Maasai villages

Broccolini (umbrella acacias)

Vast open plains
Huge hordes of wildebeest on the horizon
Piles o' hippos
Leopard walking right towards us
Lion in a tree
Elephants galore
Pink flamingos (oh so better looking than the ones in the yard)
Giraffes with newborn
Frolicking Thompson's gazelles
Lots of vehicles hovering around best sights
Spectacular hot air balloon ride

Snacking giraffe


Elephant itching eye

Lion napping in tree
Hippo returning to water
Vervet monkey with her baby

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